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Do Good and Feel Good!

Hello Granville Families!

The Granville Arts Boosters and the Granville Education Foundation need your help with fall concessions. In 2021 over $15,000 was generated for the boosters and foundation for uniform cleaning, classroom supplies, auxiliary instruction, awards, scholarships and capital projects. Those resources literally touch every student in our district. Below you will find signup links highlighted in yellow, for shifts which need coverage. This is an pressing need, as these events are right around the corner.



There will be a check-in sheet to sign in and first shift will pick up a card corresponding to their chosen job. Second shift signs in and finds a person they are to relieve. We can have a couple kids over the age of 14, but have learned from experience that it works best with primarily adults working for football.

Boys and Girls Soccer – WE NEED 2 VOLUNTEERS FOR 9/10


  • Window should be open and ready to serve 15 minutes before JV game start — occasionally we will have pizza delivered, wrap in foil (red box as it’s larger) and place in warmer

  • Pickup change bag and key from site manager at the gate (person taking tickets)

  • Referee waters (Sam’s Club, NOT Nurane) are in the cooler if requested, this is a courtesy to our refs

  • Don’t make any hotdogs after halftime of varsity game — sell any remaining hot items for $1 AFTER halftime is over, go through the stands, have the announcer announce, etc

  • Start cleanup after halftime of varsity game and you may close toward the end of the game; be sure to close all windows and latch — be sure that all food items are in a tote to keep the mice away — chocolate items go in the cooler during warm weather

  • Money returned to site manager — they will pick up and lock the door

Field Hockey: - WE NEED 2 VOLUNTEERS FOR 9/1 AND 9/10


  • Window should be open and hotdogs ready to go 15 minutes before JV game starts (pizza not typically ordered unless senior night or a big game) — occasionally we will have pizza delivered, wrap in foil (red box as it’s larger) and place in warmer

  • Pickup change bag and key from site manager at the gate (person taking tickets)

  • Referee waters (Sam’s Club, NOT Nurane) are in the cooler if requested, this is a courtesy to our refs

  • Don’t make any hotdogs after halftime of varsity game — sell any remaining hot items for $1 AFTER halftime is over, go through the stands, have the announcer announce, etc



  • Window should be open and hotdogs ready to go by 5:30, with hotdogs ready to go (pizza will arrive around 5:20p)

  • Pickup change bag and key from site manager in the gym (person taking tickets)

  • Referee waters are in the right side of refrigerator if requested, this is a courtesy to our refs

  • Back left storage room contains our water ONLY — all other items belong to AVI — our only food items are in the back right “candy room”, or in the right side of freezer or refrigerator. Workers should not be pulling anything from the freezer. Right side of refrigerator belongs to concessions — hotdogs, buns, ketchup/mustard/ref water are in there.

  • Don’t make any hot food after varsity game begins (you should have a few hotdogs/pizza going into that game — this will last, ideally we sell out — if you have more than a few hot items left, take to gym during varsity game and sell for $1, Scott McFarland has the microphone and will announce for you if asked)

  • Start cleanup midway through varsity game; you can close/lock the stand once the final set begins (they play best of 5) — send someone up to check on game status or ask one of the customers:) All supplies are to go back on the cart and locked the storage room. Be sure to latch all windows.

  • Money/key returned to site manager — if they don’t pick up at end of the game, there is a safe in the AD’s office with a drop slot; spin the dial to push it through

If you have any questions about how the money is disbursed, or the workload is divided, please contact Andy Wildman, 740.644.0325 or

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